Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (ACRL)
Adapted from Bucknell University Library. Created by Nancy Frazier, Instructional Services Librarian, Jill Hallam-Miller, Blended Learning Librarian. (Permission granted: 9/20/2015).
Article: Cindi Tysick, Head of Educational Services in the Research, Education and Outreach Unit of the University Libraries at the University of Buffalo used Canva to create posters to visually represent each of the frames of ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
An information source's context--where it came from, its audience, format, and how it is used--help determine authority, appropriateness and relevance.
Students recognize that credibility may vary by context and information need.
Students understand the importance of critically assessing a source's credibility.
Students are able to identify how a credible source could be used for a particular need.