Teachers' Descriptions of Mathematics Graphics for Students with Visual Impairments: A Preliminary Investigation
Rosenblum, L. Penny; Cheng, Li; Zebehazy, Kim; Emerson, Robert Wall; Beal, Carole R.
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, v114 n3 p231-236 May-Jun 2020
Articles explore macro-, micro-, and global economics as well as personal and household finance.
The Rosen Financial Literacy database makes economics and personal finance easy to understand and highly engaging. Articles explore macro-, micro-, and global economics as well as personal and household finance. Users will learn to manage credit and debt, save and invest with confidence, plan for college and retirement and avoid fraud and scams. Financial Literacy is an online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7–12, but can easily benefit adults.
Provides interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, career development and more.
NOTE: To use materials and tools, create an account in Learning Express. The account is free, just select "Register" under New Users. When users log in, they will see another section called My Center, where the tutorials, ebooks, tests, etc. used are stored for later access.
Learning Express, PrepSTEP for Colleges offers a variety of tools for skill building and career development. It includes the following sections: Core Math and Science Skills; Core English Skills; College Success Skills; Career Preparation; Basic Computer Skills; Placement Test Preparation; ACT® and SAT® Test Preparation; High School Equivalency Center; and Recursos Para Hispanohablantes