Use this guide to find resources to study for the ACCUPLACER Skills Assessment for student course placement.
CollegeBoard and STLCC provides online resources to help you study and prepare for the ACCUPLACER skill level placement tests. This guide provides links to these resources.
STLCC Testing Centers
How Do I Take the ACCUPLACER Placement Test?
Visit STLCC Testing Centers' Services website for locations and hours (link below). Select Take a Placement Test for additional information.
St. Louis Community College uses multiple measures including an untimed computerized placement test to help you know the right courses for you. After testing you can meet with your advisor to discuss the course work that would be best for you and let you start college with confidence.
This free app features practice tests in each test subject. It is accessible from most devices with internet access, and will help you become familiar with the content and format of the ACCUPLACER test questions. Create an account using any email address. Includes “Learn as you go” tests with explanations of the correct or incorrect responses as well as sample tests similar to the real thing, so you’ll know ahead of time what your experience will be like on test day.
Part of Learning Express, a suite of databases providing practice tests and other study materials. Use "Register" to create an account which will save your progress.
NOTE: To use materials and tools, create an account in Learning Express. The account is free, just select "Register" under New Users.
When users log in, they will see another section called My Center, where the tutorials, ebooks, tests, etc. used are stored for later access.