The STLCC Library Catalog is your gateway to finding all items, including books, which the College Libraries own.
The two basic methods for searching the catalog are by keyword and by LC subject heading. Because most library users are not familiar with the official Library of Congress (LC) subject headings, it's often a good idea to begin with a keyword search. Results of a keyword search can lead to appropriate subject headings. Ask a reference librarian for help with subject searching.
Useful keywords for this subject include, gene, genetic, genome, genomics, DNA, epigenetics, genetic code and molecular biology.
Reference sources can be useful for getting a brief overview of a topic. These sources may also refer you to related books, articles, and other helpful materials. They are therefore often ideal for beginning your research.
Most print reference sources must be used in the library.
Every item owned by an STLCC library is listed in the College's Library Catalog. Each listing is called a record. A powerful way to search for books on a particular topic is to perform a keyword search, which looks for records containing the words you use in your search.
Example keyword search: gene
Narrowing your search with and. Example keyword search: gene and disease
Using truncation. Example keyword search: gene* and disease
Library of Congress (LC) subject headings are special, standardized words and phrases which describe the primary subject(s) on which a book focuses. Searching by subject heading rather than by keyword often allows you to look for books on a particular topic more efficiently.
Since LC subject headings are included in a book's catalog record, looking at the records you get from a keyword search can help you identify appropriate subject headings. Ask A Librarian for help with LC subject searching.
Below are just a few examples of Genetics subject headings you will find in the STLCC Catalog:
The following books are published after 2010 and are available within the STLCC system. The list is meant to explore the science of genetics and its influence on many disciplines.
St. Louis Community College Libraries |
Florissant Valley Campus Library |
Forest Park Campus Library |
Meramec Campus Library |
Wildwood Campus Library |