While anyone can use the STLCC library databases on campus, only current students, faculty, and staff may use the databases off-campus.
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Covers topics including information infrastructure, data processing techniques, and metadata architectures.
This collection is comprised of content from nearly 100 industry journals covering topics such as information infrastructure, data processing techniques, metadata architectures, and more.
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Basic computer skills including internet, Microsoft Office, operating systems, and graphics.
NOTE: To use materials and tools, create an account in Learning Express. The account is free, just select "Register" under New Users.
When users log in, they will see another section called My Center, where the tutorials, ebooks, tests, etc. used are stored for later access.
Learning Express User's Guide
Provides unlimited access to over 45,000 ebooks in computer programming, information technology, business, math, science, and engineering. Includes streaming videos, case studies, expert playlists, and more. Need help?
Support at https://www.oreilly.com/online-learning/support/
• Download apps, sync all your devices, and never lose your place.
• Learn even when there’s no signal with offline access.
Provides a business-focused interface which intuitively guides users to content like journal articles, books, and company, industry and country reports.
Click here for the ProQuest One Business LibGuide..
ProQuest One Business contains:
• Company, industry and country reports from providers such Fitch Solutions and Economist Intelligence Unit; and in-depth analyst reports from J. P. Morgan
• Scholarly journal and ebook coverage from hundreds of publishers
• Full text of the three major global business news sources: the Wall Street Journal, the Economist and the Financial Times
• A robust collection of video – including interviews with business leaders, case studies and trainings
•Hundreds of thousands of reports from J.P. Morgan, Hoovers, BMI Research, EIU, Plunkett Research and others.
A database is a collection of articles which are accessible online, but which (in most cases) first appeared in print sources such as scholarly journals, magazines written for the general public, or newspapers. The articles have been placed online so that they can be easily searched and accessed.
A database normally lets you search for articles in a variety of ways, including by keyword, subject or author. Some of the articles you retrieve will in actuality only be article abstracts, or summaries. Other articles will appear in full-text form, meaning the entire article is available to you. Most databases have a full-text option you can choose so that only full-text articles will appear in your search results.
For a short overview of databases, check out this 4 minute video.
You can also go to an alphabetical listing of all the databases offered by STLCC Libraries.
Articles are generally shorter than books and usually focus on more specific topics. Articles published in different types of sources serve different purposes and are written with specific audiences in mind. Some library databases include articles from many of the following types of sources. Other databases are specialized by subject area or by type of source.
Magazines are written for a general audience, although they may have a specific subject area. They are usually published weekly or monthly. Articles can range from brief news items to more in-depth thoughtful analysis and commentary.
Newspapers are usually published daily or weekly. They are good sources for the latest news about current events. Most newspapers have a separate editorial or opinion section (often abbreviated Op-Ed), which can be useful for finding different points of view. Newspapers often have a local focus on the city or region where they are published.
Journals can be highly technical in language and concepts and are about the latest findings in a field. They often include original research and are written by scholars, scientists, or other experts. Many journal articles are peer-reviewed, meaning they have undergone rigorous evaluation by a panel of other scholars or researchers.
Trade or professional publications fall in between the technical level of journals and magazines. They typically include articles of interest to people in a particular trade, profession, or industry.
Use the databases to search for journal, magazine and newspaper articles.
Databases are available online via campus computers or off-campus with current faculty or student identification.
STLCC Libraries provide electronic access to students, faculty and staff for full-text articles, abstracts, and citations in
Know which database you want to search?
St. Louis Community College Libraries |
Florissant Valley Campus Library |
Forest Park Campus Library |
Meramec Campus Library |
Wildwood Campus Library |