If you're looking for an exact name, or title, or phrase, put the phrase in quotation marks (" ") as in the examples below:
- "no child left behind"
- yellowstone "camping reservations"
In the first example, the search engine will find web pages with all four words together in that order. Without the quotes, it would include pages where all or most of the words appear, but not necessarily next to each other. In the second example, the search engine will find the word "yellowstone" on the same page as the phrase "camping reservations."
If a word is essential to your search, put it in quotation marks (Google) or in some search engines, use a plus sign (+) before the word.
To exclude a word, use a minus sign (-) before the word.
Example: puzzles -jigsaw
This would find puzzles but not jigsaw puzzles. Be cautious! You are eliminating every web page that mentions jigsaws, even if it also has the type of puzzles you want to find.