While anyone can use the STLCC library databases on campus, only current students, faculty, and staff may use the databases off-campus.
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Cultural information for over 200 countries is included in the World Edition. U.S. States and Canadian provinces are also covered. In addition to the country/state/province reports, the database includes a photo gallery with thousands of images, downloadable slideshows, downloadable and streaming videos, interviews with native children and adults from countries around the world, five recipes for each country, short biographies of five to ten famous people for each country, maps and flags, sound files providing national anthems and country name pronunciation, state bird sound files, and more. The database is keyword searchable.
Reference books including social science, green issues, and criminal justice.
SAGE Knowledge provides an interface to search SAGE Book, Business Case, Reference, and Video titles in the social sciences. Links to SAGE Journals and SAGE Research Methods are provided through a "SAGE Recommends" widget.
PDF Guide
Full-text articles from the St. Louis Post Dispatch with a choice of text or image.
Search full-text state and national articles on issues, events, business, education, government and more. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch covers local, national and international news for the St. Louis Area, with bureaus in Washington, D.C., Jefferson City, MO and Springfield, IL. Full coverage of state and national news is offered with an emphasis on business and the economy. St. Louis is located in a diversified economic climate, and the Post-Dispatch reports on a variety of industries including: financial services, beverage, agriculture, biotechnology, chemical, aerospace & defense and automotive. The Post-Dispatch also provides comprehensive sports coverage of baseball, hockey and football, as well as the Big 12 and Big Ten college conferences. The St. Louis area is one of the leading medical centers in the U.S. and is the home of such well-known research organizations as Washington University, Monsanto and McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing.
HTML Guide
System Requirements
Advice for searching for information about a specific cultural stereotype. Use terms specific to the culture you are researching, Muslims, Arabs, Italians, etc. Add terms like stereotyp* (stereotypes, stereotyping), bias, prejudice, persuasion, controvers* (controversy, controversial), objectionable, any of the "isms"; stereotypes and psychological aspects, Examples:
Muslims AND "media representation" and stereotyp*
mass media AND race relations
See Journal of Social Issues, vol. 71, no. 1 - entire issue devoted to steretotypes. Full text available in Academic Search Elite.
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