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Use this guide to find and evaluate information and resources related to economics.

Finding DVDs and Streaming Videos Using the STLCC Library Catalog

STLCC Libraries own dvds on the subject of economics. DVDs may be requestable from campus to campus. Materials designated as "Reserve" cannot be requested from another campus and must be viewed on the campus where they are housed. STLCC Libraries also offer many streaming videos on the subject of economics.

Films on Demand

Films on Demand logo

Films on Demand is a great database to find videos and films in many subject areas including Business & Economics.

Searches can be limited to video titles or segments. Films can be viewed in their entirety or section by section, making them ideal for presentations. Films on Demand includes the following series:

Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition Series

Explore economic history, theory, and practice through case studies and interviews with Nobel-prize winning and major economists. This 28-part Annenberg Learner series covers macro, micro, and international economics, featuring Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Alice Rivlin, and Ben Bernanke, among others. Major economic events, including the 2008 banking crisis and technology's influence on the economy, connect economic theory to the headlines.

TED Talks on Business and Capitalism


You may be able to find many useful videos about economics on Internet sites such as YouTube. For example, try searching with a keyword phrase such "economics supply and demand" or "economics case study." Searching with names such as Alan Greenspan, Paul Krugman or Federal Reserve or phrases such as "Keynesian economics" or "deficit spending" may yield useful results.

NOTE: YouTube exemplifies both a major strength and weakness of the Internet:  anyone can post videos.  This is a strength, because many videos with accurate, high quality information have been posted.  This is a weakness, because many videos with inaccurate or misleading information have been posted as well.  The existence of quality videos on YouTube makes it worth searching.  However, before citing a YouTube video in a paper or incorporating it into a presentation, it is highly advisable to check with your instructor concerning the acceptability of the video for the assignment.

The Federal Debt: All You Need to Know in Three Minutes

One of the missions of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution is to improve public—and congressional—understanding of major budget issues confronting the U.S. To that end, they've boiled the facts about the outlook for the federal debt down to a three -minute animated video in which the recent ups and downs are traced  and projections for federal borrowing over the next decade are presented.

St. Louis Community College Libraries

Florissant Valley Campus Library
3400 Pershall Rd.
Ferguson, MO 63135-1408
Phone: 314-513-4514

Forest Park Campus Library
5600 Oakland
St. Louis, MO 63110-1316
Phone: 314-644-9210

Meramec Campus Library
11333 Big Bend Road
St. Louis, MO 63122-5720
Phone: 314-984-7797

Wildwood Campus Library
2645 Generations Drive
Wildwood, MO 63040-1168
Phone: 636-422-2000