Reference sources include a wide variety of publications, such as subject-specific encyclopedias and dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, atlases, and chronologies. These sources come in both print and electronic form.They are designed to be consulted as needed, rather than read from cover to cover.
These sources do lots of useful things: they may provide well-organized, brief overviews of a topic, including background information on that topic. They may also provide definitions, statistics, graphs, maps, and other useful types of information. In addition, references sources frequently refer you to related books, articles, and other helpful materials. They may help you generate ideas for research topics, or help you narrow down an overly broad topic. For all of these reasons, reference sources are often a great place to start your research.
Most print reference sources must be used in the library. The scanners in the STLCC Libraries allow you to scan information to your flash drive or send files to your email.