ENG 060 - Poverty, Wealth, and Work in the United States - Spring 2025
The ENG060 course guide provides help on using the library and resources for the research project on the theme Poverty, Wealth, and Work in the United States.
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Citing sources used to write your paper shows how widely you've read -- a good thing!
Others can gauge the reliability of the information in your paper or project. Through your citations, readers can locate the sources you used and evaluate the accuracy of the information for themselves.
Others can better conduct their own research. You direct them to both the sources you used and to the resources those sources cite.
You give credit where credit is due when you clearly state that the information you're presenting draws from the work of other people. When you present others' research or ideas as your own, intentionally or not, that's plagiarism. Make sure that you understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, both in your academic and professional life. For more information, visit our Prevent Plagiarism guide from the link below.
Often subject areas and professions require the use of a specific citation style. For example, the MLA (Modern Language Association) citation style is used by professionals in the the liberal arts and by many ENG and COM instructors.
Need Help? Consult with a Writing Center tutor for writing assistance at any stage in the writing process, in person or online. For more information, visit the link to the Writing Center, Academic Success & Tutoring below.