ArcherSearch is a search tool (discovery service) that searches many sources simultaneously.
You will find books, ebooks, videos, articles, and links to databases or library guides. Get the most out of ArcherSearch by using the limits listed under All Filters under the search box.
Suggested searches to try
Search Examples to try: (capitalization not necessary)
Philippines AND national culture
"national characteristics" and SaudiArabia
India AND (customs or culture)
"popular culture" and Brazil
Japan* and fashion and culture
Refining and Limiting Results
After a keyword search in ArcherSearch, look for the All Filters button for options to limit your search. Filters include Source Types, Publication Date, Location, and Subject.
Viewing an Article in ArcherSearch
Here is a Detailed Record that appears when you click on the title of an article in the search results. The detailed record screen contains author, date, source, and subject headings, and may include an abstract (summary). The Tools in the top right corner of the record allow you to email, print, save, and cite. Click on the Access now button to see the different ways to access the article. Since ArcherSearch finds results in many different sources, you often have to follow a path to locate the full text.