Use ArcherSearch to find the widest range of videos from the STLCC library collections, including DVDs at the campus libraries and streaming videos from our largest video and film databases.
To limit your results to just videos, start by entering your search terms below. Once your results appear, click All filters, then scroll through the menu to find Source type, and select Videos.
Or go directly to one of the streaming media databases.
All Def Poetry is a new channel on YouTube brought to you by Russell Simmons - a world-renowned champion of the spoken word art form. Fresh, riveting, and featuring some of the best voices in the genre, All Def Poetry brings you the raw power of spoken word!
Subscribe for daily performances by established and emerging spoken word artists:
The following films and others can be accessed through the database, Films on Demand. Films on Demand is a collection of more than 6000 educational videos available for video streaming to the computer desktop. Titles are organized into 20 subject folders. Individual Learning Objects for each title subdivide the videos into smaller segments.
St. Louis Community College Libraries |
Florissant Valley Campus Library |
Forest Park Campus Library |
Meramec Campus Library |
Wildwood Campus Library |