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Dental Hygiene & Dental Assisting

Use this guide to find and evaluate information and resources related to dental hygiene and dental assisting.

Evidence-Based Practice and Systematic Reviews

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP, Evidence-Based Medicine, or Evidence-Based Nursing), is a systematic process of appraising and using current research findings. The process includes these steps:

  • formulating a clear clinical question of patient needs
  • searching the current literature 
  • evaluating the literature and deciding which studies are valid and useful to the patient
  • applying the findings to the patient's care
  • evaluating the outcome

Systematic Reviews

A systematic review focuses on a single question and tries to identify, appraise, select and synthesize all high-quality research evidence relevant to that question. It often uses the same techniques as the meta-analysis to combine valid research studies. The seven steps for preparing a systematic review as outlined by the Cochrane Handbook are:

  • formulating the problem
  • locating & selecting studies 
  • critical appraisal of the studies 
  • collecting data,
  • analyzing & presenting results
  • interpreting the results
  • improving & updating the systematic review

Sources of Systematic Reviews

STLCC Library Databases

Open Websites 

Some open websites include free abstracts and/or citations, but the full article or review is only available for a fee. Use the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan form to request articles that are not readily available in the library databases or open web. 


Clinical Trials

Additional Resources & Databases

St. Louis Community College Libraries

Florissant Valley Campus Library
3400 Pershall Rd.
Ferguson, MO 63135-1408
Phone: 314-513-4514

Forest Park Campus Library
5600 Oakland
St. Louis, MO 63110-1316
Phone: 314-644-9210

Meramec Campus Library
11333 Big Bend Road
St. Louis, MO 63122-5720
Phone: 314-984-7797

Wildwood Campus Library
2645 Generations Drive
Wildwood, MO 63040-1168
Phone: 636-422-2000