Discuss amongst yourselves for 10-12 minutes and then report back to the large group.
Patron: What are natural resources of Washington?
Librarian: Hello! Welcome to the Washington State Library's Ask a Librarian service! My name is [Librarian Name]. I am reading your question right now; it will be just a minute...
Librarian: Do you just need a list of resources? Or do you need information about the resources too?
Patron: I am doing a research project for school and I need just a long list or what our resourses are. could you help me you [Librarian Name]?
Patron: sorry, typo
Patron: Could you help me to find a list of Washingtons' supplied materials to the world?
Librarian: Don't worry about the typos - I make them too! Let me see what I can find online. You may also want to check an encyclopedia and/or the World Almanac because I know they contain the kind of info that you're looking for.
Librarian: Give me just a minute to do some searching...
Patron: Thank you SO much!
Librarian: I'm still searching. Thanks for your patience...
Patron: pardon my spelling, it is resources.
Librarian: I'm not finding a list online. Do you mind if I do some more searching, both online and in our print collection, and send you an email to let you know what I find?
Patron: alright
Librarian: What's your email address?
Patron: I would like to know if i will be on a mailing list, and if it would be brodcast to the world.
Librarian: You won't be on any type of mailing list. The only people who will see your email address are me and perhaps some of my coworkers. That's it.
Patron: So, it is strictly confidential?
Librarian: Yes, it is strictly confidential. We actually all sign confidentiality agreements stating that we won't release customer contact information.
Patron: Thank you I appreciate it.
Librarian: You're welcome.
Patron: If you could just give the return address I would be grateful as well. I am at [Patron Email]
Librarian: Ok. The return address on the email should be [Librarian Email]
Librarian: Expect an email from me by the end of the day (5:00) today. Will that work for you?
Patron: I think It will! thank you very much!
Patron: My name is [Patron Name] by the way
Patron: I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day.
Librarian: You're welcome! Is there anything else that I can help you with at the moment, [Patron Name]?
Patron: other than finding me a million dollars, I think that I am fine! Thank you once again [Librarian Name].
Patron: Good bye,
Librarian: I wish I could help with the million dollars! And thank you for using our Ask a Librarian service! If you discover that you have more questions, or if you need more info, please feel free to contact us agian. I hope you have a great day too!
Patron: bye!
Patron ended chat session.
The librarian sent the customer the following email:
Hi [Patron Name],
Attached to this email is a PDF file containing copies of a couple pages from the Encyclopedia Americana International Edition that contain information about Washington’s resources. Take a look at the pages and then let me know if you need more information.
In the meantime, I will continue to search for information about Washington’s natural resources.
Thank you for allowing me to follow up with you via email ? I appreciate your patience.
Sincerely, [Librarian Name]
Reference Librarian
[Librarian Telephone]
Patron: I need to know what job I can get when I graduate with an Associate degree in Criminal Justice.
Librarian: A librarian will be with you in about a minute.
Librarian: A librarian has joined the session
Librarian: Hello, this is the reference librarian. I'm reading your question...
Librarian: I would suggest you speak with your career guidance office.
Patron: okay
Librarian: is there anything else i can help you wtih
Patron: [Patron Name] - has disconnected
Librarian: take care
Librarian: Chat Session Ended.
Questions based on QUESTIONPOINT CHAT TRANSCRIPTS A learning resource for virtual reference in the classroom. http://wiki.questionpoint.org/f/Evaluating%20VR%20Transcripts%20v.2%20.pdf
Transcripts from QUESTIONPOINT CHAT TRANSCRIPTS A learning resource for virtual reference in the classroom. http://wiki.questionpoint.org/f/Evaluating%20VR%20Transcripts%20v.2%20.pdf
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