Discuss amongst yourselves for 10-12 minutes and then report back to the large group.
Patron: Hi I am looking for studies that found malingering in litigation
Librarian: This is xxxxx. Just a moment while I see what I can do for you.
Patron: thank you
Librarian: I'm going to refer you to xxxxx at the St. Louis Law library. xxxxx@slll.edu, (314) xxx-xxxx.
Patron: Hello! I'm working on researching evidence base practices for my social work class, but having some trouble narrowing my results. Can you direct me to sources or ways to go about doing so?
Librarian: Hi there, I'm xxxxx. Give me a minute to look into this!
Patron: Sure! Thank you so much for your help!
Librarian: Can you tell me what you're currently using to search for sources?
Patron: I'm currently trying to use the library website and google
Librarian: Ok great start! Let me see what else I can find for you.
Librarian: Do you have a general topic you're looking at?
Patron: I'm researching evidence based interventions for black women suffering from anxiety
Librarian: I'm going to transfer this chat to xxxxx (a research librarian) and she can help you further!
Librarian: hi This is xxxxx
Librarian: Hi,, This is xxxxx. Please stand by a moment, please, while I read your question...
Librarian: Hi xxxxx, stand by a moment...I'm going to send you a link to a database, and possibly to a list of search results...
Patron: Thank you so much!
Patron: To both of you!
Librarian: I'm probably checking with another department for help with your question. Please stand by...
Librarian: Ok, xxxxx. I am about to send you a link to a list of search results from the database Academic Search Complete. You can see the search terms I used in the boxes at top of page. I'm going to try some different search terms b/c I wasn;t really satisfied w/ the first list of results, but here it is. You can read the abstracts, etc.
Librarian: http://libproxy.wustl.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&bquery=(DE+%26quot%3bANXIETY+in+women%26quot%3b)+AND+(african+american)&type=1&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Patron: Thank you, xxxxx! I really appreciate your help
Patron: I'll try some search terms of my own, as well but will also look forward to seeing if you find anything
Patron: this is much harder than I expected, so I really appreciate your help navigating the system!
Librarian: Yes, I'm surprised by the dearth of relevant results. I'm trying a different database: PsycInfo. You can actually get to it from Academic Search Complete. Look for the "choose database" link near the search box.
Librarian: Ok, I'm going to search a bit...stand by...
Librarian: Take a look at result #2 http://libproxy.wustl.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&bquery=(DE+%26quot%3bAnxiety+Disorders%26quot%3b)+AND+(black+women)&type=1&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Patron: oh wow! that's really helpful
Librarian: These results seem more on track. Some of these are books/book chapters:
Librarian: http://libproxy.wustl.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&bquery=(DE+%26quot%3bBlacks%26quot%3b)+AND+(women)+AND+(anxiety+disorders)&type=1&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Patron: i clearly have so much to learn about using the website
Librarian: It's tough--too many choices.
Patron: right!
Librarian: If you'd like to meet w a librarian to learn more, one wold be more than happy to help.
Patron: are there any other databases that you would recommend or think might be relevant to social work? I'm happy to keep combing through them
Patron: And, yes! I think that would be really helpful!
Librarian: I can help you, and there is also a librarian who specializes in social work research. She's at the SW library
Librarian: Goldfarb, I think.
Patron: Oh! Wonderful. I'm actually right next to Goldfarb, now
Librarian: Her name is xxxxx. I'm going to send you the link to her research guide in a moment. Click the "Articles" button on the left to see some recommended databases...
Patron: Thank you!!!
Librarian: This guide is a little overwhelming: http://libproxy.wustl.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&bquery=(DE+%26quot%3bBlacks%26quot%3b)+AND+(women)+AND+(anxiety+disorders)&type=1&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Librarian: Sorry--wrong link
Patron: Haha, no problem
Librarian: https://libguides.wustl.edu/xxxxx
Patron: Oh! I see. Got it. There's a list under social work
Librarian: This page is a bit more manageable: https://libguides.wustl.edu/xxxxx
Patron: Haha, yes. Thank you. that's much easier to navigate/read
Librarian: And the page you land on is for relevant databases. Not all of these on the list are exclusively for finding articles. So, read the description
Librarian: of each.
Patron: Makes sense!
Patron: there's so much in the library i never knew about!
Librarian: Academic Search Complete is always a good place to start. Psych Info, Soc Index, and Social Work Abstracts are some that may be useful--depending on the subjects you are looking for
Librarian: Yes, I agree and I work here! The subject research guides are always a good place to start:https://libguides.wustl.edu/?b=s
Librarian: https://libguides.wustl.edu/?b=s
Librarian: I'm also going to send you a link so you can make an appointment w/ one of the reference/research librarians at Olin.
Patron: Thank you!!
Patron: It's also reassuring to know that I'm not the only one surprised at the amount of information out there
Librarian: We are not as knowledgable w/ social work-specific reseach like xxxxx is, but we're all pretty good generalists and can certainly point you toward appropriate sources and suggest some effective search strategies. Hold on a moment...
Librarian: Here's the appointment link: http://wustl.libcal.com/appointments.
Librarian: My name is xxxxx if you ever want to meet w/ me.
Librarian: I'm also going to send you xxxxx's contact info...
Librarian: Oh, I also saw a link for research workshops offered through the SW library. I'll re-find the link and send that too...
Librarian: xxxxx -- xxxxx@wustl.edu
Librarian: (314)xxx-xxxx
Patron: Wow! You've been so helpful! I'm copying all of this into an email so I have it
Librarian: Ok, here's their workshop page: https://libguides.wustl.edu/c.php?g=46890&p=301064#s-lg-box-887347
Librarian: And here's an additional SW page -- more about other services available--not just research stuff.
Librarian: Very happy to help.
Librarian: It's great when the chat service gets used like this!
Patron: Yes! I am so grateful!
Patron: I feel like I would have been spinning in circles for hours trying to figure things outs
Librarian: I totally understand...
Librarian: Any thing else I can help with today?
Librarian: I can also send you the transcript : )
Librarian: But sounds like you've got it under control!
Librarian: : )
Patron: I think i've got it all down in my email - but thank you so much for everything that you've helped me with
Librarian: No problem. Good luck with this--and future--assignments.
Patron: Thank you!
Librarian: Ok, then. Goodbye. Don't hesitate to chat again or meet w/ a librarian.
Questions based on QUESTIONPOINT CHAT TRANSCRIPTS A learning resource for virtual reference in the classroom. http://wiki.questionpoint.org/f/Evaluating%20VR%20Transcripts%20v.2%20.pdf
Transcripts provided courtesy of Washington University Libraries.
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