Choice is a great resource for choosing materials for the library collections. Once you have set up an account, you may create lists of items to recommend for purchase and create cardstacks to ask people for input on your choices. If you don't have a login for Choice, contact Tori Lyons, to request one.
STLCC's subscription to Doody's includes a limited number of librarian login accounts. It is used for nursing and allied health collection development.
A comprehensive online guide to book reviews that includes more than five million review citations from thousands of publications, with linking to more than 630,000 full-text reviews.
Salem Press includes Magill's Literary Annual from 1977-2019
Salem Press titles in literature, history, science, and health. Includes Magill's Literary Annual 1977-current, Masterplots, Magill's Medical Guide, the Great Events and Great Lives from History reference series, and several science encyclopedias.